Created By : Abhinandan Kumar

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : May 30, 2023

Enter the value of Length(l)

Enter the value of Width(w)

Enter the value of Height(h)

Surface area of a Box length 4 meters by width 6 foot by height 8 yards is 99.9080755 meters2 or 119.489112 yards2 or 1075.4016 foot2

The Surface Area of a Box is equal to the sum of the areas of each side of the box. If the box has a length 4 meters by width 6 foot by height 8 yards is 99.9080755 meters2 or 119.489112 yards2 or 1075.4016 foot2

    Surface Area of a Box 4 m by 6 ft by 8 yd in other units

Value unit
0.0999081 km2
0.0620802 mi2
99.9080755 m2
327.7823999 ft2
3933.3887992 in2
109.2608 yd2
9990.80755 cm2
99908.0755 mm2


The Surface Area of a Box 2 * (length * width) + 2 * (length * height) + 2 * (width * height)

Substitute the values of the length l = 4 m , the width w = 6 ft , and the height h = 8 yd into the formula

      Unit Conversion of 8 yd = 7.3152 m

8 Yard is 7.3152 meters

To convert Yard to Meter

we know that, 1 Yard = 0.9144 Meter

To convert Yards to meters, multiply the yard value by 0.9144.

Result in Meter: 8 yd × 0.9144 × m/yd

Cancel The Comman factor of yd

Result in Meters: (8 x 0.9144 m)

Multiply 8 into 0.9144

Result in Meters: 7.3152 meters

∴ 8 Yard = 7.3152 meters

      Unit Conversion of 6 ft = 1.8288 m

6 Foot is 1.8288 meters

To convert Feet to Meter

we know that, 1 Foot = 0.3048 Meter

To convert Foot to meters, multiply the feet value by 0.3048.

Result in Meter: 6 ft × 0.3048 × m/ft

Cancel The Comman factor of ft

Result in Meters: (6 x 0.3048 m)

Multiply 6 into 0.3048

Result in Meters: 1.8288 meters

∴ 6 Foot = 1.8288 meters

2 * (4 m * 1.8288 m) + 2 * (4 m* 7.3152 m) + 2 * (1.8288 m* 1.8288 m)

Simplify each term

2 * 29.2608 m2 + 2 * 7.3152 m2 + 2 * 13.3780378 m2

Multiply each term with 2

58.5216 m2 + 14.6304 ft2 + 26.7560755 m2

Simplify by adding three(3) term or numbers

Surface area = 99.9080755 m2

∴ Surface area of a Box length 4 m , width 6 ft and height 8 yd is 99.9080755 m2


      Unit Conversion of 6 ft = 2.0 yd

6 Feet is 2.0 yards

To convert Feet to Yards

we know that, 1 Foot = 0.333333 or
                        1 Foot = 1/3 Yards

To convert Feet to Yards, divide the feet value by 3

Result in Yards: 6 × ft/yd × ft/yd

Cancel The Comman factor of ft

Result in Yards: 6/3 yd

Divide the 6 by 3

Result in Yards: 2.0 yards

∴ 6 Feet = 2.0 yards

      Unit Conversion of 4 m = 4.3744556 yd

4 Meter is 4.3744556 yards

To convert Meter to Yards

we know that, 1 Meter = 1.0936139 Yards

To convert Meter to Yards, multiply the mile value by 1.0936139

Result in Yards: 4 m × 1.0936139 × yd/m

Cancel The Comman factor of m

Result in Yards: (4 x 1.0936139 yd)

Multiply 4 into 1.0936139

Result in Yards: 4.3744556 yards

∴ 4 Meter = 4.3744556 yards

2 * (4.3744556 yd * 2.0 yd) + 2 * (4.3744556 yd* 8 yd) + 2 * (2.0 yd* 8 yd)

Simplify each term

2 * 8.7489112 yd2 + 2 * 34.9956448 yd2 + 2 * 16.0 yd2

Multiply each term with 2

17.4978224 yd2 + 69.9912896 yd2 + 32.0 yd2

Simplify by adding three(3) term or numbers

Surface area = 119.489112 yd2

∴ Surface area of a Box length 4 m , width 6 ft and height 8 yd is 119.489112 yd2


      Unit Conversion of 4 m = 13.12336 ft

4 Meters is 13.12336 foot

To convert Meters to Foot

we know that, 1 Meter = 3.28084 Foot

To convert Meter to Foot, multiply the meter value by 3.28084.

Result in Foot: 4 m × 3.28084 × ft/m

Cancel The Comman factor of m

Result in Foot: (4 x 3.28084 ft)

Multiply 4 into 3.28084

Result in Foot: 13.12336 foot

∴ 4 Meters = 13.12336 foot

      Unit Conversion of 8 yd = 24.0 ft

8 Yards is 24.0 foots

To convert Yards to Foot

we know that, 1 Yards = 3 Feet

To convert Yards to Foot, multiply the yard value by 3.

Result in Feet: 8 yd x 3 × ft/yd

Cancel The Comman factor of yd

Result in Feet: (8 x 3 ft)

Multiply 8 into 3

Result in Feet: 24.0 feets

∴ 8 Yards = 24.0 foots

2 * (13.12336 ft * 6 ft) + 2 * (13.12336 ft* 24.0 ft) + 2 * (6 ft* 24.0 ft)

Simplify each term

2 * 78.74016 ft2 + 2 * 314.96064 ft2 + 2 * 144.0 ft2

Multiply each term with 2

157.48032 ft2 + 629.92128 ft2 + 288.0 ft2

Simplify by adding three(3) term or numbers

Surface area = 1075.4016 ft2

∴ Surface area of a Box length 4 m , width 6 ft and height 8 yd is 1075.4016 ft2