Created By : Abhinandan Kumar

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : May 30, 2023

Enter the length

Enter the width

Diagonal of Rectangle 2 cm by 15 ft is 457.2043744 cm or 15.0001435 ft.

To calculate the Diagonal of a rectangle, add the number of units in the length by the number of units in the width. Length and width must be stated in the same unit of measure. Diagonal of Rectangle 2 cm by 15 ft is 457.2043744 cm or 15.0001435 ft.

    Diagonal of rectangle 2 cm by 15 ft in other units

Value unit
0.004572 km
0.0028409 mi
4.5720437 m
15.0001435 ft
180.0017222 in
5.0000478 yd
457.2043744 cm
4572.043744 mm


Given that length = 2 cm and width = 15 ft

Diagonal = √(length2 + width2)

Put the value of length and width value in Diagonal Formula.

      Unit Conversion of Width 15 ft = 457.2 cm

15 Foot is 457.2 Centimeters

To convert Foot to Centimeters

we know that, 1 Foot = 30.480 Centimeters

To convert Foot to Centimeters, multiply the foot value by 30.480

Result in Centimeters: 15 ft × 30.480 × cm/ft

Cancel The Comman factor of ft

Result in Centimeters: (15 x 30.480 cm)

Multiply 15 into 30.480

Result in Centimeters: 457.2 Centimeters

∴ 15 Foot = 457.2 Centimeters

Diagonal = √ (22 cm + 457.22 cm)

Calculate square of length 2 and width 457.2

Diagonal = √ (4.0 cm + 209031.84 cm)

Add 4.0 cm and 209031.84 cm

Diagonal = √ (209035.84 cm)

Calculate Square root of 209035.84

Diagonal = 457.2043744 cm

∴Diagonal of Rectangle 2 cm by 15 ft is 457.2043744 cm


      Unit Conversion of Length 2 cm = 0.0656168 ft

2 Centimeters is 0.0656168 foot

To convert Centimeters to Feet

we know that, 1 Centimeter = 0.032809 Feet or
                         1 Centimeter = 1/30.48 Feet

To convert Centimeters to Foot, multiply the centimeter value by 30.84.

Result in Foot: 2 × cm/30.84 × ft/cm

Cancel The Comman factor of cm

Result in Foot: 2/30.84 ft

DIvide the 2 by 30.84

Result in Feet: 0.0656168 feet

∴ 2 Centimeters = 0.0656168 foot

Diagonal = √ (0.06561682 ft + 152 ft)

Calculate square of length 0.0656168 and width 15

Diagonal = √ (0.0043056 ft + 225.0 ft)

Add 0.0043056 ft and 225.0 ft

Diagonal = √ (225.0043056 ft)

Calculate Square root of 225.0043056

Diagonal = 15.0001435 ft

∴Diagonal of Rectangle 2 cm by 15 ft is 15.0001435 ft