Created By : Abhinandan Kumar

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : May 30, 2023

Enter the Radius

Circumference of a circle radius 57 meters is 357.96 meters.

Circumference of a circle is the length of the boundary of the circle. If we cut open the circle and straighten it the length of the boundary will be the measure of the circumference of the circle. Circumference of a circle radius 57 meters is 357.96 meters.

    Circumference of Circle 57 m in other units

Value unit
0.35796 km
0.2224266 mi
357.96 m
1174.4094488 ft
14092.9133858 in
391.4698163 yd
35796.0 cm
357960.0 mm

Circumference of a Circle side 57 m is 357.96 m


Given that Radius, r = 57 m

We know that, Circumference of a circle= 2πr

Put the value of radius value in Circumference Formula.

Circumference = 2π x 57 m

Substituting the value of π

Circumference = 2 x 3.14 x 57

Circumference = 357.96 m

∴ Circumference of a Circle side 57 m is 357.96 m