Created By : Abhinandan Kumar

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : Jan 03, 2024

Read More: ABB Pivot Calculator


Diagonal (e)
Diagonal (f)
Angle α

Area of an Irregular Quadrilateral diagonal (e) = 5 cm, diagonal(f) = 92 yd and radians = 3.1 is 1748.9824555 cm2 or 0.2091767 yd2.

Area of an Irregular Quadrilateral diagonal (e) = 5 cm, diagonal(f) = 92 yd and radians = 3.1 is 1748.9824555 cm2 or 0.2091767 yd2.

  Area of an Irregular Quadrilateral diagonal (e) = 5 cm, diagonal(f) = 92 yd and radians = 3.1 in other units

Value unit
0.0174898 km²
0.0108677 mi²
57.3813142 ft²
688.5757699 in²
19.1271047 yd²
1748.9824555 cm²
17489.824555 mm²


Given that Irregular Quadrilateral diagonal (e) = 5 cm, diagonal(f) = 92 yd and radians = 3.1

We know that, Area = e * f * sin(α)

Put the values of e, f and α in above Area Formula

      Unit Conversion of Width 92 yd = 8412.48 cm

92 Yards is 8412.48 Centimeters

To convert Yard to Centimeters

we know that, 1 Yard = 91.44 Centimeters

To convert Yards to Centimeters, multiply the yard value by 91.44

Result in Centimeters: 92 yd x 91.44 × cm/yd

Cancel The Comman factor of yd

Result in Centimeters: (92 x 91.44 cm)

Multiply 92 into 91.44

Result in Centimeters: 8412.48 Centimeters

∴ 92 Yards = 8412.48 Centimeters

A = 5 * 8412.48 * sin(3.1)

Simplify the above equation

A = 1748.9824555 cm²

∴ Area of an Irregular Quadrilateral diagonal (e) = 5 cm, diagonal(f) = 92 yd and radians = 3.1 is 1748.9824555 cm²


      Unit Conversion of Length 5 cm = 0.0546807 yd

5 Centimeter is 0.0546807 yards

To convert Centimeter to Yards

we know that, 1 Centimeter = 0.0109361 Yards or
                         1 Centimeter = 1/91.44 Yard

To convert Centimeter to Yards, divide the yards value by 91.44

Result in Yards: 5 × cm/91.44 × yd/cm

Cancel The Comman factor of cm

Result in Yards: 5/91.44 yd

Divide 5 by 91.44

Result in Yards: 0.0546807 yards

∴ 5 Centimeter = 0.0546807 yards

A = 0.0546807 yd * 92 yd * sin(3.1)

Simplify the above equation

Area = 0.2091767 yd²

∴ Area of an Irregular Quadrilateral diagonal (e) = 5 cm, diagonal (f) = 92 yd and radians = 3.1 is 0.2091767 cm²