Created By : Abhinandan Kumar

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : Jan 03, 2024

Read More: ABB Pivot Calculator


Diagonal (e)
Diagonal (f)
Angle α

Area of an Irregular Quadrilateral diagonal (e) = 2 ft, diagonal(f) = 5 m and diagonal = 96 is 32.6286722 ft2 or 3.0313027 m2.

Area of an Irregular Quadrilateral diagonal (e) = 2 ft, diagonal(f) = 5 m and diagonal = 96 is 32.6286722 ft2 or 3.0313027 m2.

  Area of an Irregular Quadrilateral diagonal (e) = 2 ft, diagonal(f) = 5 m and diagonal = 96 in other units

Value unit
0.0099452 km²
0.0061797 mi²
32.6286722 ft²
391.5440664 in²
10.8762241 yd²
994.5219287 cm²
9945.2192866 mm²


Given that Irregular Quadrilateral diagonal (e) = 2 ft, diagonal(f) = 5 m and radians = 96

We know that, Area = e * f * sin(α)

Put the values of e, f and α in above Area Formula

      Unit Conversion of Width 5 m = 16.4042 ft

5 Meters is 16.4042 foot

To convert Meters to Foot

we know that, 1 Meter = 3.28084 Foot

To convert Meter to Foot, multiply the meter value by 3.28084.

Result in Foot: 5 m × 3.28084 × ft/m

Cancel The Comman factor of m

Result in Foot: (5 x 3.28084 ft)

Multiply 5 into 3.28084

Result in Foot: 16.4042 foot

∴ 5 Meters = 16.4042 foot

A = 2 * 16.4042 * sin(960)

Simplify the above equation

A = 32.6286722 ft²

∴ Area of an Irregular Quadrilateral diagonal (e) = 2 ft, diagonal(f) = 5 m and degrees = 96 is 32.6286722 ft²


      Unit Conversion of Length 2 ft = 0.6096 m

2 Foot is 0.6096 meters

To convert Feet to Meter

we know that, 1 Foot = 0.3048 Meter

To convert Foot to meters, multiply the feet value by 0.3048.

Result in Meter: 2 ft × 0.3048 × m/ft

Cancel The Comman factor of ft

Result in Meters: (2 x 0.3048 m)

Multiply 2 into 0.3048

Result in Meters: 0.6096 meters

∴ 2 Foot = 0.6096 meters

A = 0.6096 m * m m * sin(960)

Simplify the above equation

Area = 3.0313027 degrees²

∴ Area of an Irregular Quadrilateral diagonal (e) = 2 ft, diagonal (f) = 5 m with diagonal = 96 is [32.6286722, 3.0313027] ft²