Created By : Abhinandan Kumar

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : May 30, 2023


Number of Sides(n)

Regular Polygon Side

Area of a Regular Polygon 41 m with 3 sides is 727.8943519 m²

Area of a Regular Polygon 41 m with 3 sides is 727.8943519 m²

    Area of a Regular Polygon 41 m with 3 sides in other units

Value unit
0.7278944 km²
0.4522937 mi²
2388.1048291 ft²
28657.2579488 in²
796.034943 yd²
72789.43519 cm²
727894.3519 mm²


Given that Side, a = 41 m and No of sides, n = 3

We know that, Area = n * a² * cot(π/n) /4

Put the values in area Formula.

A = 3 * m² * cot(π/3)/4

Simplify the above equation

A = 727.8943519 m²

∴ Area of a Regular Polygon 41 m with 3 sides is 727.8943519 m²