Volume Conversion
Volume Conversions: Do you want to know what is volume and how to convert from one unit volume to another unit volume? Then, have a glance at this page and read the mentioned content related to Volume Conversions. First of all, have a look at this volume converter tool and know all metric, imperial, and United States Customary volume units.
Often used metric volume units are cubic meter, cubic centimeter, liter, and milliliter. The most used imperial and US Customary Volume units are US fluid gallons, Imperial gallons, pint, quart, etc. If you want to change volume conversions like a cubic meter to other volume units, multiply the cubic meter value by the conversion factor. Or else, if you want to change volume conversion from gallons to other volume units, multiply the gallon value by the conversion factor.
Volume Conversion Calculators & Tables
Here is the Volume Conversion Calculators list and Conversions Tables from cubic metric & gallon metric to other common volume units. Check out the list and tap on the required volume unit conversion calculators provided by Areavolumecalculator.com
Volume Conversion Tables
(some results are rounded)
1 Barrel of Oil(bbl) = |
158987 cubic centimeters(cc) |
5.61458 cubic feet(cu ft) |
9702 cubic inches(cu in) |
0.158987 cubic meters(cu m) |
0.207948 cubic yards(cu yd) |
672 cups(cups) |
42 gallons(gal) |
34.9723 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
279.779 imperial pints(imp pts) |
158.987 liters(l) |
158987 milliliters(ml) |
5376 ounces(fl oz) |
336 pints(pts) |
168 quarts(qts) |
10752 tablespoons(tbsp) |
32256 teaspoons(tps) |
1 Cubic Centimeter(cc) = |
6.29 x 10-06 barrels of oil(bbl) |
3.53 x 10-05 cubic feet(cu ft) |
0.0610237 cubic inches(cu in) |
0.000001 cubic meters(cu m) |
1.31 x 10-06 cubic yards(cu yd) |
4.23 x 10-03 cups(cups) |
2.64 x 10-04 gallons(gal) |
2.20 x 10-04 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
0.0017606 imperial pints(imp pts) |
0.001 liters(l) |
1 milliliters(ml) |
0.033814 ounces(fl oz) |
0.0021134 pints(pts) |
1.06 x 10-03 quarts(qts) |
0.067628 tablespoons(tbsp) |
0.202884 teaspoons(tps) |
1 Cubic Feet(cu ft) = |
0.178108 barrels of oil(bbl) |
28316.8 cubic centimeters(cc) |
1728 cubic inches(cu in) |
0.0283168 cubic meters(cu m) |
0.037037 cubic yards(cu yd) |
119.688 cups(cups) |
7.48052 gallons(gal) |
6.22884 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
49.8307 imperial pints(imp pts) |
28.3168 liters(l) |
28316.8 milliliters(ml) |
957.506 ounces(fl oz) |
59.8442 pints(pts) |
29.9221 quarts(qts) |
1915.01 tablespoons(tbsp) |
5745.04 teaspoons(tps) |
1 Cubic Inch(cu in) = |
0.0001031 barrels of oil(bbl) |
16.3871 cubic centimeters(cc) |
0.0005787 cubic feet(cu ft) |
1.639x 10-05 cubic meters(cu m) |
2.143x 10-05 cubic yards(cu yd) |
0.0692641 cups(cups) |
0.004329 gallons(gal) |
0.0036047 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
0.0288372 imperial pints(imp pts) |
0.0163871 liters(l) |
16387.1 milliliters(ml) |
0.554113 ounces(fl oz) |
0.034632 pints(pts) |
0.017316 quarts(qts) |
1.10823 tablespoons(tbsp) |
3.32468 teaspoons(tps) |
1 Cubic Meters(cu m) = |
6.28981 barrels of oil(bbl) |
1.00 x 10+06 cubic centimeters(cc) |
35.3147 cubic feet(cu ft) |
61023.7 cubic inches(cu in) |
1.30795 cubic yards(cu yd) |
4226.75 cups(cups) |
264.172 gallons(gal) |
219.969 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
1759.75 imperial pints(imp pts) |
1000 liters(l) |
1000000 milliliters(ml) |
33814 ounces(fl oz) |
2113.38 pints(pts) |
1056.69 quarts(qts) |
67628 tablespoons(tbsp) |
202884 teaspoons(tps) |
1 Cubic Yard(cu yd) = |
4.80891 barrels of oil(bbl) |
764555 cubic centimeters(cc) |
27 cubic feet(cu ft) |
46656 cubic inches(cu in) |
0.764555 cubic meters(cu m) |
3231.58 cups(cups) |
201.974 gallons(gal) |
168.179 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
1345.43 imperial pints(imp pts) |
764.555 liters(l) |
764555 milliliters(ml) |
25852.7 ounces(fl oz) |
1615.79 pints(pts) |
807.896 quarts(qts) |
51705.4 tablespoons(tbsp) |
155116 teaspoons(tps) |
1 Cubic Meters(cu m) = |
6.28981 barrels of oil(bbl) |
1.00 x 10+06 cubic centimeters(cc) |
35.3147 cubic feet(cu ft) |
61023.7 cubic inches(cu in) |
1.30795 cubic yards(cu yd) |
4226.75 cups(cups) |
264.172 gallons(gal) |
219.969 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
1759.75 imperial pints(imp pts) |
1000 liters(l) |
1000000 milliliters(ml) |
33814 ounces(fl oz) |
2113.38 pints(pts) |
1056.69 quarts(qts) |
67628 tablespoons(tbsp) |
202884 teaspoons(tps) |
1 Cups(cups) = |
0.0014881 barrels of oil(bbl) |
236.588 cubic centimeters(cc) |
0.008355 cubic feet(cu ft) |
14.4375 cubic inches(cu in) |
0.0002366 cubic meters(cu m) |
0.0003094 cubic yards(cu yd) |
0.0625 gallons(gal) |
0.0520421 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
0.416337 imperial pints(imp pts) |
0.236588 liters(l) |
236.588 milliliters(ml) |
8 ounces(fl oz) |
0.5 pints(pts) |
0.025 quarts(qts) |
16 tablespoons(tbsp) |
48 teaspoons(tps) |
1 Liters(l) = |
0.0062898 barrels of oil(bbl) |
1000 cubic centimeters(cc) |
0.0353147 cubic feet(cu ft) |
61.0237 cubic inches(cu in) |
0.001 cubic meters(cu m) |
0.0013079 cubic yards(cu yd) |
4.22675 cups(cups) |
0.264172 gallons(gal) |
0.219969 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
1.75975 imperial pints(imp pts) |
1000 milliliters(ml) |
33.814 ounces(fl oz) |
2.11338 pints(pts) |
1.05669 quarts(qts) |
67.628 tablespoons(tbsp) |
202.884 teaspoons(tps) |
1 gallons(gal) = |
0.0238095 barrels of oil(bbl) |
3785.41 cubic centimeters(cc) |
0.133681 cubic feet(cu ft) |
231 cubic inches(cu in) |
0.0037854 cubic meters(cu m) |
0.0049511 cubic yards(cu yd) |
16 cups(cups) |
0.832674 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
6.66139 imperial pints(imp pts) |
3.78541 liters(l) |
3785.41 milliliters(ml) |
128 ounces(fl oz) |
8 pints(pts) |
4 quarts(qts) |
256 tablespoons(tbsp) |
768 teaspoons(tps) |
1 Imperial Gallons(imp gal) = |
0.028594 barrels of oil(bbl) |
4546.09 cubic centimeters(cc) |
0.160544 cubic feet(cu ft) |
0.028594 cubic inches(cu in) |
0.0045461 cubic meters(cu m) |
0.0059461 cubic yards(cu yd) |
19.2152 cups(cups) |
1.20095 gallons(gal) |
8 imperial pints(imp pts) |
4.54609 liters(l) |
4546.09 milliliters(ml) |
153.722 ounces(fl oz) |
9.6076 pints(pts) |
4.8038 quarts(qts) |
307.443 tablespoons(tbsp) |
922.33 teaspoons(tps) |
1 Imperial Pints(imp pts) = |
0.0035743 barrels of oil(bbl) |
568.26 cubic centimeters(cc) |
0.020068 cubic feet(cu ft) |
34.677 cubic inches(cu in) |
0.0005683 cubic meters(cu m) |
0.0007433 cubic yards(cu yd) |
2.4019 cups(cups) |
0.15012 gallons(gal) |
0.125 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
0.56826 liters(l) |
568.26 milliliters(ml) |
19.215 ounces(fl oz) |
1.2009 pints(pts) |
0.60047 quarts(qts) |
38.43 tablespoons(tbsp) |
115.29 teaspoons(tps) |
1 milliliters(ml) = |
6.29x 10-06 barrels of oil(bbl) |
1 cubic centimeters(cc) |
3.53x 10-05 cubic feet(cu ft) |
0.061024 cubic inches(cu in) |
1.0x 10-06 cubic meters(cu m) |
1.31x 10-06 cubic yards(cu yd) |
0.0042268 cups(cups) |
0.0002642 gallons(gal) |
0.00022 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
0.0017598 imperial pints(imp pts) |
0.001 liters(l) |
0.033814 ounces(fl oz) |
0.0021134 pints(pts) |
0.0010567 quarts(qts) |
0.067628 tablespoons(tbsp) |
0.20288 teaspoons(tps) |
1 Ounces(fl oz) = |
0.000186 barrels of oil(bbl) |
29.574 cubic centimeters(cc) |
0.0010444 cubic feet(cu ft) |
1.8047 cubic inches(cu in) |
2.96x 10-05 cubic meters(cu m) |
3.87x 10-05 cubic yards(cu yd) |
0.125 cups(cups) |
0.0078125 gallons(gal) |
0.0065053 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
0.052042 imperial pints(imp pts) |
0.029574 liters(l) |
29.574 milliliters(ml) |
0.0625 pints(pts) |
0.03125 quarts(qts) |
2 tablespoons(tbsp) |
6 teaspoons(tps) |
1 Quarts(qts) = |
0.0059524 barrels of oil(bbl) |
946.35 cubic centimeters(cc) |
0.03342 cubic feet(cu ft) |
57.75 cubic inches(cu in) |
0.0009463 cubic meters(cu m) |
0.0012378 cubic yards(cu yd) |
4 cups(cups) |
0.25 gallons(gal) |
0.20817 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
1.6653 imperial pints(imp pts) |
0.94635 liters(l) |
946.35 milliliters(ml) |
32 ounces(fl oz) |
2 pints(pts) |
64 tablespoons(tbsp) |
192 teaspoons(tps) |
1 Tablespoons(tbsp) = |
9.3x 10-05 barrels of oil(bbl) |
14.787 cubic centimeters(cc) |
0.0005222 cubic feet(cu ft) |
0.90234 cubic inches(cu in) |
1.48x 10-05 cubic meters(cu m) |
1.93x 10-05 cubic yards(cu yd) |
0.0625 cups(cups) |
0.0039063 gallons(gal) |
0.0032526 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
0.026021 imperial pints(imp pts) |
0.014787 liters(l) |
14.787 milliliters(ml) |
0.5 ounces(fl oz) |
0.03125 pints(pts) |
0.015625 quarts(qts) |
3 teaspoons(tps) |
1 Teaspoons(tps) = |
3.1x 10-05 barrels of oil(bbl) |
4.9289 cubic centimeters(cc) |
0.0001741 cubic feet(cu ft) |
0.30078 cubic inches(cu in) |
4.93x 10-06 cubic meters(cu m) |
6.45x 10-06 cubic yards(cu yd) |
0.020833 cups(cups) |
0.0013021 gallons(gal) |
0.0010842 imperial gallons(imp gal) |
0.0086737 imperial pints(imp pts) |
0.0049289 liters(l) |
4.9289 milliliters(ml) |
0.16667 ounces(fl oz) |
0.010417 pints(pts) |
0.0052083 quarts(qts) |
0.33333 tablespoons(tbsp) |