Length Conversion
Length Conversions: Sometimes you may get the length conversions wrong way around, so it is good to take the help from the length conversions calculators which are available here all types of unit lengths. These unit length conversion tools help you to find any type of conversion length from one unit to another unit in just a fraction of seconds.
Are you excited to know what type of length conversions are supported by this calculator? Then, go ahead and find what are those length converters and how they gonna work for you to solve the unit length conversions. Make use of the length conversion calculator and convert the respective length into meters, kilometer, centimeter, millimeter, miles, foot, yards, inches, nanometers, etc. easily & quickly.
Length Conversion Calculators & Tables
Check the below links and access any of the required unit length conversion calculators to change the given length into another unit length.
Length Conversion Tables
(some results are rounded)
1 Kilometer (km) = |
0.621371192 miles(mi) |
1000 meters(m) |
39370.1 inches(in) |
3280.84 feet(ft) |
1093.61 yards(yd) |
100000 centimeters(cm) |
1 x 106 millimeters(mm) |
1 Miles (km) = |
1.60934 kilometers(km) |
1609.34 meters(m) |
63360 inches(in) |
5280 feet(ft) |
1760 yards(yd) |
160934 centimeters(cm) |
1609344 millimeters(mm) |
1 Meters (m) = |
0.001 kilometers(km) |
0.000621 miles(mi) |
39.37 inches(in) |
5280 feet(ft) |
1.0936 yards(yd) |
100 centimeters(cm) |
1000 millimeters(mm) |
1 Inches (in) = |
0.0000254 kilometers(km) |
1.58 x 10-05 miles(mi) |
0.0254 meters(m) |
0.0833333 feet(ft) |
0.027778 yards(yd) |
2.54 centimeters(cm) |
25.4 millimeters(mm) |
1 yards (yd) = |
0.0009144 kilometers(km) |
0.000568 miles(mi) |
0.9144 meters(m) |
36 inches(in) |
3 feet(ft) |
91.44 centimeters(cm) |
914.4 millimeters(mm) |
1 Feet (ft) = |
0.0003048 kilometers(km) |
1.89 x 10-04 miles(mi) |
0.0254 meters(m) |
0.3048 inches(in) |
0.33333 yards(yd) |
30.48 centimeters(cm) |
304.8 millimeters(mm) |
1 Centimeters (cm) = |
0.00001 kilometers(km) |
6.21 x 10-06 miles(mi) |
0.01 meters(m) |
0.3937 inches(in) |
0.032808 feet(ft) |
0.010936 yards(yd) |
10 millimeters(mm) |
1 Millimeters (mm) = |
1 x 10-6 kilometers(km) |
6.2137 x 10-07 miles(mi) |
0.001 meters(m) |
0.03937 inches(in) |
0.0010936 yards(yd) |
3.28 x 10-03 feet(ft) |
0.1 centimeters(cm) |