Created By : Abhinandan Kumar

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : May 30, 2023

Enter the length

Enter the width

Diagonal of Rectangle 10 in by 71 cm is 29.68765 in or 75.406631 cm.

To calculate the Diagonal of a rectangle, add the number of units in the length by the number of units in the width. Length and width must be stated in the same unit of measure. Diagonal of Rectangle 10 in by 71 cm is 29.68765 in or 75.406631 cm.

    Diagonal of rectangle 10 in by 71 cm in other units

Value unit
0.0007541 km
0.0004686 mi
0.7540663 m
2.4739708 ft
29.68765 in
0.8246569 yd
75.406631 cm
754.06631 mm


Given that length = 10 in and width = 71 cm

Diagonal = √(length2 + width2)

Put the value of length and width value in Diagonal Formula.

      Unit Conversion of Width 71 cm = 27.9527559 in

71 Centimeters is 27.9527559 inches

To convert Centimeter to Inches

we know that, 1 Centimeter = 0.393705 inches or
                         1 Centimeter = 1/2.54 inches

To convert Centimeters to inches, divide the centimeter value by 2.54.

Result in Centimeters: 71 × cm/2.54 × in/cm

Cancel The Comman factor of cm

Result in Inches: 71/2.54 in

Divide the 71 by 2.54

Result in Inches: 27.9527559 inches

∴ 71 Centimeters = 27.9527559 inches

Diagonal = √ (102 in + 27.95275592 in)

Calculate square of length 10 and width 27.9527559

Diagonal = √ (100.0 in + 781.3565624 in)

Add 100.0 in and 781.3565624 in

Diagonal = √ (881.3565624 in)

Calculate Square root of 881.3565624

Diagonal = 29.68765 in

∴Diagonal of Rectangle 10 in by 71 cm is 29.68765 in


      Unit Conversion of Length 10 in = 25.4 cm

10 Inches is 25.4 Centimeters

To convert Inches to Centimeters

we know that, 1 Inche = 2.54 Centimeters

To convert Inches to Centimeters, multiply the inche value by 2.54

Result in Centimeters: 10 in × 2.54 × cm/in

Cancel The Comman factor of in

Result in Centimeters: (10 x 2.54 cm)

Multiply 10 into 2.54

Result in Centimeters: 25.4 Centimeters

∴ 10 Inches = 25.4 Centimeters

Diagonal = √ (25.42 cm + 712 cm)

Calculate square of length 25.4 and width 71

Diagonal = √ (645.16 cm + 5041.0 cm)

Add 645.16 cm and 5041.0 cm

Diagonal = √ (5686.16 cm)

Calculate Square root of 5686.16

Diagonal = 75.406631 cm

∴Diagonal of Rectangle 10 in by 71 cm is 75.406631 cm