Created By : Abhinandan Kumar

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : May 30, 2023

Enter the length

Enter the width

Area of Rectangle 43 yd by 80 yd is 3440.0 yd2.

To calculate the area of a rectangle, multiply the number of units in the length by the number of units in the width. Length and width must be stated in the same unit of measure. Area of Rectangle 43 yd by 80 yd is 3440.0 yd2.

    Area of rectangle 43 yd by 80 yd in other units

Value unit
3.145536 km2
1.9545503 mi2
3145.536 m2
10320.0 ft2
123840.0 in2
3440.0 yd2
314553.6 cm2
3145536.0 mm2


Given that length = 43 yd and width =80 yd

Area = length x width

Put the value of length and width value in Area Formula.

Area= 43 yd × 80 yd

Multiply 43 yd and 80 yd

Area = 3440.0 yd2

∴Area of Rectangle 43 yd by 80 yd is 3440.0 yd2